Dependency chains in Issues
under review
Russell Smith
Peter - I'm curious as to your intent here. As Jan notes with the images below, the Breakouts view gives you the lines for the dependencies. But I'm wondering if you were thinking if someone was in the full page view of an issue, that it have a 'trail' to display.
So, if I use the image Jan provided, the story from iteration 5 has a dependency on the story in iteration 3, which in turn has six dependencies from iterations 1 and 2. So in the full page view, it would show how the dependencies flow up to the earliest dependency in the chain to the nearest.
I could see the usefulness, but not sure about the performance.
Jan Kuntscher
under review
Jan Kuntscher
Jan Kuntscher
In addition, all issues related to each other are shown on the breakout board of the teams. these dependencies can be filtered.
Jan Kuntscher
Hi Peter,
in Agile Hive 3, all ART issues and all dependent issues are presented in the Program Board. If issues also have interdependencies, these are also displayed visually. I hope this already covers a large part of the requirement.