PI Burn-Up forecast line should always have upward slope
Russell Smith
We had several teams complain about the forecast line for the PI Burn-Up chart showing a downward path from the current done total. In the screen snapshot provided, the current “Done” is 313, and the slope of the forecast line is downward from 313 to 221 (which is the “forecast”). This appears to be inconsistent with how the burn-up chart should be reporting once the completed (Done) to date exceeds the “forecast” value. It would be expected that the forecast line at that point should take into account the current PI’s burn rate and use that to project the end point. We are seeing this at both the ART and Team levels.
(Also entered as Bug report since not sure if this was intended functionality: https://jira.apps.seibert-media.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/13/HELP-5454)
Michael Rink
In our Agile Hive this happens if you create a PI and change the PI afterwards. Somehow Agile Hive can't recalculate the PI and shows a strange Burn-Up Chart. We have a bug Ticket for this and Seibert knows this problem.