Update color for SP Burned, Days Passed & Business Value dials on Reports pages
under review
Russell Smith
During a review, it was noted that for organizations that associate color with status, the green dials for the SP Burned, Days Passed and Business Value metrics at the top of the Reports pages could be 'deceiving'. It was suggested to make the dial color more neutral, perhaps the grey used for the Velocity metric or a medium blue. The "green" color would seem to indicate the metrics was "good" when the percentage may not actually be good. For example, as you complete a PI, the Business Value is only 31%. That is actually "not good" but still shows green.
Jan Kuntscher
under review
Jan Kuntscher
I think that this makes sense. I will talk to Josh, who is our UI master.
Russell Smith
Jan Kuntscher: Let me know if there are other ways I can assist.